Invasive Plant Mangement / Poisionous Plant Control

Highland Vegetation Management (HVMI) will help to identify invasive species on your property and develop an ongoing plan for the control of these plants. Invasive species are generally non-native plants that decrease the diversity of the landscape by out-competing the native vegetation. Some of these species have the ability to kill the over story trees in a forest. Others may restrict new native trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants from becoming established. Some of the common invasive plants include: Hogweeds, Purple Loosestrife and Japanese Knotweed

◄ Click to see information on Giant Hogweed, Cow Parsnip, Angelica, Wild Parsnip & Valerian (NB Dept of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries)

◄ Click to see Giant Hogweed Fact Sheet (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs)

Highland Vegetation Management has an integrated vegetation management approach to invasive projects. We use various chemical control methods, mechanical & natural control as well as preventative scouting & native planting design.

Where poisonous plants are a nuisance or a hazard, we can effectively help you control & manage poison ivy, poison oak, giant hogweed and poison sumac as well as other hazardous or noxious species. This can be especially important when the site is accessible to the general public for recreational or other use. This service is offered primarily for larger scale properties, particularly parks, public gardens, arboretums, trail systems and similar applications.